Scrapbooker & Pundit
Location: Washington
Joined Aug 14, 2017 at 03:32PM EDT
- About
I'm a writer, so I write fanfiction. I like videogames, tabletop games, reading, and writing.
Sometimes I nag my artist friend to draw me fictional women.
I'm probably a furry since I really like Loona and Roxanne.
Like, I really like Loona and Roxanne.
Like. Wow. Those two are like legitimate perfection.
Besides them, I also love Rika and Fantina from Pokemon!
Like, I love them just as much as Loona and Roxy.
Like, Wow, Rika is such a cool and calm tomboy and Fantina is such a adorkable show-woman.
I think I just like women in general. As well as Femboys.
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